Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Been a long time..

I realize I havent posted in about a month, I've been a little lazy/busy.
so here's the recap:
This is our thanksgiving spread. I learned from last yr and started cooking the day before.

Christmas cookies!Ii personally love Christmas and can never wait, frankly Thanksgiving gets in the way of the Christmas season. Thanksgiving is ok and all, but I've never been a huge fan of the food and it just doesn't have that magic guality to it.
Anyways here are some ginger, sugar cookies (I admit my mom made thm, but i decorated them) The all white icing makes them a little classier than previous yrs...

And finally my sandwich from a couple days ago. I quickly sauteed some zucchini, peppers, and tomatoes. Then put them ion some bread with mozzarella and parmesean and grilled it up. It was a tad more effort than a normal grilled cheese and a very welcome change.