Part 1 of story: Now I'm not usually a soup person but I was reading a magazine and there was a recipe. The writer said "I just through in any veggies I have." That's my kind of cooking.
Part 2 of story: I'm addicted to the food network. Unfortunately we don't have cable, so on all breaks from school I go home and watch it nonstop (along with E). Well Rachel Ray makes what she calls stoups, not quite a stew but thicker than soup. While I was making my version of soup, I realized it was a stoup.
Conclusion: I created my random stoup.
I first sauteed onions, celery, peppers, and garlic. Then added paprika, red peppers flakes, salt, and pepper and let it hang out a bit. Then added garbanzo beans and tomato paste. Lastly I added water, chicken bullion (not sure how to spell that) cube, frozen corn, and rice. Let it all simmer away for like 20 min and thats it!
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